

話說自從看過 The Ninth Gate 之後,每次轉台瞄到,都會不由自主重看一次。倒不是覺得電影真的有那麼棒,而是 Johnny Depp 把 Dean Corso 這角色演得太迷人了,那種雖有藝術素養卻欠缺道德感的傭兵形象,好像不需經由劇情,就可以直接感受得到。

他在劇中的裝扮我很喜歡,尤其是不離身的那個大包包(我找不到劇照)。側背、容量大、皮製,符合他工作需求,而且看起來非常耐用。我一天到晚背個 Jack Wolfskin,雖然實用,但真的有點 shabby。前幾天下定決心要買個類似的,上網狠狠搜尋一番,在這部電影的討論區中有人發問過,也提到網路上有其他人在找,但回答只有簡單的建議他去搜尋 messenger bag, satchel 之類的,等於沒答。好不容易才在這篇文章中找到相關的幾句話:
3) Any satchel with a canvas strap worn across the shoulder. Now I know I may be demonised for this but please men, 'Just Say No' to messenger manbags. We expect to look down and see you in flip flops, which we have already said is a menaissance menace. Only Santa can get away with the over shoulder look; well, and any blokes wearing cargos and part of an organised military regiment.

But if you absolutely must, we can just about tolerate (because we want one ourselves) Mulberry's Alfie bag. Topman does cheaper imitations.


Shep said...

I got all gooey-eyed over the shoulder bag that Johnny Depp has in The Ninth Gate. I was suddenly transported into the world of girl-bag-love. It's basically a converted Billingham Camera Bag. Then I found out how much they cost.

Instead from the camping shop I got a similar looking canvassy shoulder bag, with a basic pocket at each end. I love it. It holds all the books I inevitably carry around. And my sandwiches. And fits a loaf of bread on top if need be. I doubt it's the kind of bag 'Young' Dave or the other Dave would like. But I like it.

原來這種款式的包包是從 Billingham Camera Bag 轉化來的。Billingham Camera Bag 是啥?大名鼎鼎的白金漢相機袋是也,電影裡頭的有點像下面這個,但是皮製。

但我總不能拿相機袋來日常使用吧?而且那篇的作者似乎不太喜歡側背的包包,但他覺得 Mulberry's Alfie bag 是可接受的,Topman 也有便宜的相似品。於是就跑到 Mulberry 網站看了看,這一看不得了了,好讚啊~可是好貴! Alfie Bag 是這個:

簡單漂亮,可是價值 £349.00 (淚)。在官網我又找到一個感覺也很讚的,比電影裡頭那個還好看,叫做 Rockley:

價值 £495... 喔喔,窮的時候真不該來看這種東西... T-T

Topman 那邊的包包也還不錯,可是這牌子根本沒進來台灣過,現在連 Topgirl 都退出了,在台灣當男人真沒意思呀。最後在奇摩拍賣買了這個,也可以接受了啦。

沒有留言 :
